Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Jeremy Spakes lovely pumpkin puppet. Trying to get a feel for his character. Nice movement from this guy and the costume was done by Paloma Soledad. All very nice.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bus Stop

Currently working on Shea Bordo's short film. This is the first animation I did with the puppet. Jeremy Spake made the armature that's amazing and allows for so much movement with this guy. Dexter Caseres did the story boards and a whole slew of people are currently helping us with all the crazy elements that have to come together in stop motion. Will keep posting pictures and animatics as we go.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Cave

Large shot of the cave. Also a small Winget that will inhabit this cave. Again Cave was painted by Josh Story. Not myself. I could not do that. The cave is made from cardboard covered in newspapers then covered with cheese cloth dipped in plaster then covered in plaster and smoothed out while semi wet with water and sponges. Maybe put process photos up although they are less impressive.

Current work

This is a close up of the cave i've been working on for a couple of months now. The amazing paint job which completely brings this thing to life was done by Josh Story. He's an amazing painter who worked with me on Coraline. He's also an awesome guy. So nice when those two things exist together. Anyway working on a stop motion script for my Wingets (the green furry guys) that would live in here. I'd wanna live in here.

First post

I'm am going to try and keep current work and current thoughts on this blogsite and try to keep the latter to a minimum. Currently looking for where to upload pictures. If I can't find these buttons readily this blog will soon be done.